Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Will has two buddies at school.  The three of them like to sit together at lunch and play together at recess.  They have so much in common that it took about four days for him to figure out that one of his new buddies was a girl.   But I guess it just doesn't matter.  Today after school we were walking around the track as part of the "Jog/Walk Club" that meets on Tuesdays.  (There are about 80 kids who walk and keep track of their miles.)  Will was walking with his friend.  She was telling him about a video game.  When I caught up to them, Will was excited to tell me, "He said (blah blah), then he said (blah blah).......and he said I could (blah blah)."  I pulled him aside and whispered, "Um, Will, 'he' is a 'she'".
 "Oh yeah" he said, "I forgot."


Reba said...

Okay, that is just funny! She must be pretty "cool" then! (or whatever the current term is)

sunset pines farm said...

my daughter's best buddy is a boy, and I think will probably be her true blue friend. They too discuss video games and other gender-neutral issues like it's nothing. Sometimes I question the fact that 2 different mothers gave birth to those 2.

Denise said...

That is hilarious!

Stacy Christopher said...

That's awesome!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How cute....I was that girl, most of my buddies were boys because I wanted more of a challenge in sports than playing with girls....such a cute story!

JA, in Shelby, NC

lynne said...

Ha, ha I'd forgotten that used to happen to me when I was a girl. I am glad that the Salamy's are continuing to press on. You are an inspiration.