Saturday, August 29, 2015

Where do you love?

Last week I got a text from a new friend asking me, "Where do you love?"  I knew it was an auto-correct error, but it made me think...  Where do I love? 
Is my home a place where I cook and clean and sleep or is it a place where I love?  Is it a place where I love the ones closest to me and reach out to those far away,  or is it a place where I retreat to myself. Do I spend more time on Facebook than I do loving? Am I more concerned about the weeds in the yard or about the love in the room?  If the beds are made and the dishwasher is unloaded, but I have not love, I have gained nothing.  If my kids' rooms are clean and I serve gourmet meals, but I have not love, no one will look forward to coming home.
Lord, I don't just want my house to be the place where I live.  I want it to be the place where I love.

1 comment: said...

Beautiful & true, Marlo. Thanks.