Friday, April 8, 2011

Get Well Soon

Yesterday I surprised my sister by flying to Wichita for my brother-in-law's bday weekend.  He is home recovering from his bike accident 6 weeks ago.  I wanted to share a couple of the notes he received while he was in the hospital.  They made his day!

Dear Mr. Haught,
What is your favorite movie?  What is your favorite animal?  What is your favorite River?  What is your favorite state?  I like to eat donuts.  I have a DS.
Love, K
Dear Mr. Haught,
I hope it dose'nt happen again.  You should look both ways before you cross.  And you can buy a light for your bicycle.  Do you like sports?  I like sports.  My favorite sport is football.  I am the Quarter Back.  I like to play the keyboard, guitar, and the drums.  I have two dogs.  My dad was in the Airforce but he retired.
Love, A

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