Tuesday, August 28, 2012

In everything give thanks

Slapping a sloppy brush of thanksgiving over everything... leaves me deeply thankful for very few things.  
I am often guilty of slapping a sloppy brush of thanksgiving over everything,
"Thank you God for this day.  Thank you God for your blessings.  Thank you for my family and friends. Amen"
Don't get me wrong.  Those are all good things to be thankful for, but do I take the time to notice (and name) the myriad of "little" things I have to be thankful for each day?

The sound of waves
Laughing with my family
Eating outside
Having enough food for an unexpected dinner guest

Do you struggle with discontentment?  Do you spend more time thinking about the what you want instead of being thankful for what you have?

Gerbera daisies
Chocolate chip cookie dough
Boys playing wiffle ball in the back yard 
Seeing a friend at the store
Being invited

The habit of discontentment can only be driven out by the habit of thanksgiving.

Make thanksgiving a habit.  This year, instead of having your kids make a list of gifts they want for Christmas, have them make a list of gifts they already have.

A full house
Time alone
Moms sharing prayer requests around the table
Someone to sit next to
A late night talk with Jacob

We don't have to change what we see, only the way we see it.

(Quotes from A. Voskamp, "One Thousand Gifts")

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