Friday, October 8, 2010

Lesson's from Micah 7/13/90-10/01/10

Lord, 20 years ago you gave the Walters family a blessing and a burden in their son Micah.  Not only did he have mental and physical challenges, but then you heaped apparent sorrow upon sorrow by allowing cancer to invade his fragile body--three times.  But Micah's special needs were not a curse.   You used those needs to enlarge his family's territory.  Every doctor, nurse, teacher, classmate, band member, church member, coach, therapist, and friend became a part of the great cloud of witnesses who watched Micah and his family  run with endurance the race marked out for them.  This week you relieved Janna and Mark of what the world might see as their greatest burden.  But what is amazing is that this precious human being that others might call a burden, was in reality their greatest blessing.
You do not give us hard situations to curse us, but to bless us.  Forgive me when I resist what you give me because of how it looks to me--too hard, too sad, too messy, too much.  Help me to remember Micah and the Walters family and embrace my burdens and allow you to transform them into blessings.

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